Quick Tips for Using GPTBiz on Mobile

Many of my friends have been telling me that it’s inconvenient to access on mobile. Today, I’m sharing two quick tips for accessing GPTBiz more easily.

Method 1: Pin the Official Account

On the Taoyi official account homepage, use the top right corner “More” button to pin our account. Next time, you can quickly access it directly from the chat box.

Taoyi official account homepage → Top right corner menu → Click to pin the official account → Done

Method 2: WeChat Browser Floating Window

After opening a website within WeChat, use the “More” menu in the browser at the top right corner, which includes a floating window feature. It allows GPTBiz to be saved on your WeChat for a long time.

Open GPTBiz in WeChat → Top right browser’s more menu → Click on floating window feature → Done

Apple phone methods are the same as Android, but the use of floating windows differs slightly.

Article Source: Quick Tips for Using GPTBiz on Mobile Devices
